Why is giving so great?

Your donation provides food, bedding, medication, veterinary care, supplies, and plenty of attention from our volunteers. Making a donation is a great way to support your furry friends at Carolina Animal Protection Society.

CAPS is not affiliated with the Onslow County Animal Shelter, nor the Humane Society. CAPS receives no federal, state, or local tax dollars. It is funded solely by individual donations.

Your generosity is the reason thousands of cats every year get a fighting chance to live happier and healthier lives! Below are 5 wonderful reasons to donate to Carolina Animal Protection Society.

  1. Your gift is tax-deductible – Gifts of cash are fully deductible, up to a maximum of 50% of your adjusted gross income.

  2. In memoriam –Whether you lost an animal, a loved one, a friend or family member, donate to commemorate their life and celebrate them by helping animals.

  3. Your donation will have the maximum impact – We operate efficiently to maximize the use of every dollar.

  4. Last-minute gift – Need a gift for a special person? Give a gift that warms the heart. Donate on their behalf and they will feel good knowing that they are helping to protect animals from abuse and neglect.

  5. Do something for yourself – Acts of kindness simply make you feel good.

Please help us continue our mission of protecting and nurturing our animals where it is most needed. Simply click on the Donate button below where you'll be prompted to enter a dollar amount of your choice. Be assured your payment transaction will be processed through a PayPal encrypted connection to secure your privacy. Our cats thank you from the bottom of their hearts for your contribution to CAPS.

                                              Our Federal Identification Number is: 56-1598691