CAPS welcomes dedicated individuals to volunteer to help with the daily tasks of caring for its cats. Please contact us if any of the following activities interest you. We'd love to have you on our team of caring professionals!
Are you a cat lover? CAPS is looking for volunteers who care deeply about cats and wish to help them find homes. Volunteers must be willing and physically able to provide basic care care in addition to working well with others in a team environment. Hours of service vary.
Required Duties
Do you always have a pen in your hand? An experienced Grant Writer is needed to research funding opportunities that will secure funding for CAPS. The Writer should consider state, federal, and private grant programs for which CAPS would make a good fit.
Grant applications must demonstrate that CAPS is the best fit for the grant being offered, that CAPS can demonstrate a past history of excellence in service, and that CAPS makes clear its strategies for using the grant if it is awarded.
Applicants should submit a resume outlining experiences in professional grant writing. It is preferred the applicant has a college education as well as a high rate of success in winning grant money.
Do you enjoy networking? An experienced Public Relations Specialist is needed to perform a variety of functions that will create and promote a positive image for CAPS.
Required Duties
Are you artistically talented with a camera? CAPS is looking for someone who has a passion for taking unforgettable photos of its cats. Your photos may be used for publicity purposes and showcasing cats on its website.
PetSmart, where our cats are showcased need their cages cleaned. If you are a volunteer servicing in other areas, please consider helping your furry friends by keeping their cages cleaned.
Carolina Animal Protection Society